In my opinion. organizations nee to look at how their entire team spends their time to ensure they have enough time to advance. The commenter on LinkeIn is also correct that writers nee to spend most of their time writing. But there are things writers and eitors can do to expand the reach. Inexpensive ways writers can expand their editorial reach. Of the content they’ve spent so much time and passion creating. In fact. this was the focus of a recent internal lunch-and-learn presentation that CMI Community Manager Monina Wagner and I put together. The tips have been helpful to UBM teams across the company and we wante to share them here as well. These ideas are not intende to be comprehensive of everything an organization can do to expand its reach. Rather.
These are all things that writers can
Do on their own or with the help of another team member (such as a designer or web person). We didn’t talk about Special Database effective ways to expand your reach. such as email or paid promotions. The list below is practical – and perhaps even better. everything on this list doesn’t require budgetary demands. One more note before digging in: This tip (and many others below) is about expanding the reach of your best content. How do you know what your best content is You can read about the key reports and the process I follow with Google Analytics to decide which content you want to prioritize for sharing. And if you want to get even more organize. use these insights to create a critical checklist for your content.
Ldeas using existing website traffic
We all spend a lot of time on our websites creating new content. It makes sense to get as much ASB Directory as possible from that time and traffic. This first set of ideas covers how to do just that. Click to Tweet Click to Tweet is a snippet of text calle in a blog post that someone can easily click to tweet (as its name aptly suggests). example: Click-to-tweet example I’ve been using Clicks to Tweet on my blog posts for the past 18-24 months and love the results. As a writer. I anecdotally see my posts share on Twitter with Click to Tweet statements. BetterClick to Tweet using the WordPress plugin makes it easy to share blog posts. says MicheleLinn. Click to Tweet suggestion: Consider the number of tweets you use per post. Usually contains 2-4 pieces. Keep click-to-tweet text to around 110 characters. leaving enough space for the URL