The year will always be remember for being the strangest year of all our lives. The year we had to learn to live in the. What have we done since the pandemic began This year has present us with great challenges and difficulties , but thanks to the support of our collaborators. We have to serve more than half a million boys and girls in the countries in which we work. “We have an emergency. Since the beginning of the pandemic. We have been working to alleviate the consequences it is having on the most vulnerable children and their families. In addition to preventing infections and ensuring their nutrition. We have focus our projects on making it possible for boys and girls to continue studying despite. The closure of schools and the limitations on going to class, providing them with the necessary materials,” explains our general director.
If we had to explain our work
Through numbers since the coronavirus in our lives, these would be the most notable. We have study material to boys and girls and access to online education to. We have transistors in those countrie. Where classes have been follow remotely through the radio, such as Burkina. We have information on how to prevent infections to India Number Data people and more than hygiene and cleaning kits that include, among others, soap, gel or masks, in countries such as India or Nicaragua. In this video we have collect moments that summarize our 2020 and with it we want to thank all the people who have been supporting us and with whom we will continue to walk hand in hand to achieve our mission: the well-being of children. Thank you for protecting the most vulnerable children.
The year 2020 is about to end
The situation of children risks worsening during if stronger measures are not taken . We have been seeing for months how the social and economic crisis caus by the pandemic. Has aggravat the already difficult situation in which the most vulnerable children live. We are talking about boys and girls from families that are having serious economic difficulties and who. Sometimes, live in contexts in Taiwan Phone Number List which they can suffer all types of violence. It is essential that the governments of all countries take a step further and commit to urgent measures to protect them. can represent a significant setback in everything that has been achiev in the last 30 years in children’s rights,” says Pilar. We ask governments for urgent and forceful measures to alleviate the consequences of. On the most vulnerable children We insist that it is essential that the opinion of children be taken into account when taking new measures, since no one knows better than them what the pandemic has meant in their lives.