Resolving the main doubts about connected television

The fragmentation of audiences in the media is a reality. The growing digitalization in the television environment has accelerated a paradigm shift in content consumption that advertisers. Agencies and media have to face. We spoke with Cristina Sánchez, Media Strategy Director at Smartclip , about how she sees the Connected Television market, the news that is emerging around its measurement and how these challenges are being faced from Smartclip.

Connected television is not new

In recent years there is no summary Cayman Islands Phone Number List of trends or predictions that does not talk about CTV. If it is not mentioned it seems that the conversation is outdated. Now, connected television is NOT new. In fact, it still has its peculiarities compared to other devices such as phones or PCs. That said, and based on the specific characteristics of the environment, what is really new about it is the DATA. What a great term… data in this case refers to being able to know what the user is consuming. On their television. Regardless of how they access the content. The only requirement is that the television be connected to the internet.

What are the main data applications in television

Furthermore, we know the devices ASB Directory that belong to that household. We look for the users on said devices and we use that data to impact those who have not seen the spot on TV. Therefore, increase the coverage of the TV campaign, especially when it has reached its stagnation point in the GRP; Here the range is very wide. Being able to search.Impact users not exposed to linear TV both when they are consuming OTT’s, as well as from their mobile phones or in their web browsing (in media integrated with Smartclip, of course). Data on content : in this case. Success comes from the audience profiles that consume TV content. That is, we can find the audience with the corresponding sociodemos that consume.

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