22% of Spaniards plan to make more purchases

During the 2020 pandemic, online purchases skyrocketed, but when Christmas of that year arrived, the volume of gift purchases decreased. Christmas is one of the seasons that businesses most often take advantage of to make cash and, therefore, in order to know what consumption will be like during these important dates, the Digital Commerce Marketing agency Elogia has prepared the Consumer Habits Study. Christmas consumption 2022. Their conclusions reveal that 22% of Spaniards will do more Christmas shopping than last year, especially the youngest. As already reported in another study carried out by the agency, 100% of Internet users have anticipated their Christmas shopping. 

These will be the most prominent categories

Coinciding with last year’s data and Bulgaria Phone Number List unlike the leisure category, which is added in third place, fashion, technology and leisure will be the most in-demand categories. 55% of Internet users, of which 65% are women, declare that they will buy fashion at Christmas; 46% will buy technology. Especially men (52%) although with a slight difference compared to women (41%) and 30% indicate that they will spend on leisure . This category, which displaces sports and home. Does not have significant differences between purchase intention in both sexes or age. Regarding purchasing influences for this star category. 50% say they take into account the opinions and recommendations of their loved ones , 32% those of other online store buyers and 29% say they decide for themselves.

How much do we Spaniards spend on Christmas shopping

Last 2021 the average spending ASB Directory figure was €240, however, for this season the average spending drops by €11, reaching a figure of €229 average spending per person. In the case of men it will be €222, while for women it will be €235. Only in the case of those over 55 years of age. The disbursement will be higher than the average of the previous year. With an average of €252 on their Christmas purchases. Similar to last year. Online purchases (55%) will triumph over those made in a physical store (45%) this Christmas. In this case. There is no distinction between gender. Although there is a distinction between age since those over 55 will buy more offline than other ages, according to the Elogia study.

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