Not always intuitive but certainly useful

  • Not always intuitive but certainly useful for those who do digital marketing: let’s talk about the business manager.
  • The business manager is a dashboard that collects all the elements and resources of facebook and instagram: facebook pages . Instagram accounts . People who have access to the pages. Partners. Advertising accounts. The product catalog. Groups for management of events. The creativity folder. Pixels. Catalogs and much more.

The main function of the business manager

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec special data ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus to centralize resources and manage them from a single interface. It is therefore a sort of “Management software” capable of separating the private and personal life of those who manage a company’s social page or account. Not only that: the business manager allows you tomonitor the performance and results of your facebook and instagram ads with detail overviews and analytics Not always intuitive but certainly useful

special data

Who should use the business manager

  • Not always intuitive but certainly useful for those who do digital marketing: let’s talk about the business ASB Directory manager.
  • The business manager is a dashboard that collects all the elements and resources of facebook and instagram: facebook pages . Instagram accounts . People who have access to the pages. Partners. Advertising accounts. The product catalog. Groups for management of events. The creativity folder. Pixels. Catalogs and much more.

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