Stick to the point, and look for ways to make your offerings seem more straightforward than the competition’s. N – Be invaluable The average consumer is positively bombarded with advertising messages every day, so it’s all too easy for any one company to blend into the woodwork. That said, a company that can single itself out as a trustworthy authority capable of solving the sales prospect’s problems has a real advantage. For that reason, the N in SNAP stands for N-valuable (invaluable). Modern consumers expect more than great products and services from the brands they buy from. They also expect personal relationships with companies that genuinely want to be part of the solutions they pedal.
Align always
A complete understanding of a consumer’s headspace is essential if you’re serious about closing a sale, so the A in SNAP stands for alignment. What are the Email Marketing List person’s worries, fears, and hopes for their future? What values and core beliefs are at the center of how they live their lives and make critical decisions? It’s your job to find out and demonstrate how the solutions your brand offers are the most closely aligned with what matters to that customer. The goal is to convince them to buy from you and not your competitors.Last but not least, the P in SNAP stands for priorities. Most modern consumers are performing a perpetual balancing act regarding all they have going on. However, some things will always be higher priorities than others.
Leverage Priorities
Therefore, a sales rep who can figure out which of a customer’s many priorities is most important has a unique advantage over their competition. For instance, suppose a prospect’s highest priority is family and home life. You can show how your products and services make it possible to be a better parent, a more attentive spouse, or a more ASB Directory responsible homeowner. Find out their ultimate goal, and give them a leg up in getting there.