The progress we are making in the field


 Seismic analysis of buildings resistance to earthquakes. Finger print identification. Speech Recognition. Radar signal classification & analysis. As you noticed this is one of the areas of artificial intelligence that governments are interested in and seek to apply it for their own services or in criminal services and reducing crime. R


 But its development so far is limited

because it does not have awareness or selfawareness but it is one of the areas that is expected to achieve a breakthrough in the future. of rob Iran Mobile Number List otics also benefits us in many industrial fields as robots help in mass production processes and their cost is lower than the cost required for a human worker taking into account that they have greater accuracy and can work hours a day.


 Speech Generation It is one of the


subfields of artificial intelligence that is related to making a machine or computer speak and this field has witnessed great de  ASB Directory  velopment to the point that we now may not be able to differentiate between the sounds created by the machine and real human voices. Strategic Planning This field is one of the least known fields of all and it does strategic planning just like humans do.

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