The new international division

The maximum distance that consumers are willing to travel to receive services, that is, the market area (in simple terms, it means how far you are willing to travel to buy such things) Business Threshold >> The maximum range of business that
maintains the functions of the center
District (business district) >> is divide into four types: 1. Neighborhood 2. Community 3. Region 4. Central business district. The larger the business district, the larger the business threshold and commodity circle will be.

Industrial clusters  in one industry


Within the cluster, “relate” industries can create interactive effects within the cluster. These effects result from the integration in the industrial network of the cluster’s organizations. They share economies of scope, economies of scale, learning and experience (with other industries). This kind of sharing is likely to be comprehensive, ranging from research and development to production, distribution, marketing and service
industry chains>>supply of products between upstream and downstream manufacturers. Upstream manufacturers provide raw materials to downstream manufacturers. This is

of labor. >>(Quote refers to one product or one project, which is completed by the whole world.
In the past, the internationa Colombia Phone Number List l division of labor was only Said:
Producing raw materials provides raw materials to complete a product or plan.
Underdevelopdcountries provide manpower (labor) to assist in completing the work.
Highly developd countries provide their own top experts to jointly develop the work.
Medium countries provide experiments or provide opinions. To assist
, to put it simply, everyone performs his own duties.

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The biggest dividing point

between the new international division of labor and the old international division of labor is at the end of the 20th century.
The new international division of labor is only said to be because of the development of transportation, which shortend the distance between countries, thus promoting the cooperation between countries. The effec ASB Directory t of professional self-production has made highly develope countries very progressive (because only spending money on raw materials and manpower is enough), while mdium-develope countries rely on domestic finance to distinguish whether to develop this thing, and low-development countries Countries can only sell their own manpower!

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