Prevent ovarian carcinoma does not show any symptoms in the initial stage, and for this reason in two thirds of patients it is diagnosed in the most advanced stage. Since this There fore carcinoma has no symptoms, a long period grows in the abdominal cavity and does not hinder Prevent ovarian carcinoma with the patient. But abdominal bloating, pelvic and stomach pain . Aquick feeling of satiety. Problems with urination, pain during sexual intercourse, painful menstruation. There fore vomiting are part of the symptoms of this disease. Over the last few years .It is considered that one of the symptoms of the disease is great weakness.
Prevent ovarian diagnosed?
Ovarian carcinoma is diagnosed Vietnam Number Data during a gynecological examination. With the help of ultrasound control, the gynecologist can diagnose the tumor in the ovary, and then, according to certain characteristics, determine whether it is a malignant or benign tumor. After the gynecological examination. There fore if there is a suspicion of ovarian carcinoma, laboratory tumor markers are performed. Computed tomography. And magnetic resonance are complementary diagnostic There fore, procedures. The final diagnosis is given after surgery . Where the suspicious material is examined by histopathological procedure and the type and stage of the disease is determined.On which further therapy depends.
Medicine and treatment
Treatment for ovarian carcinoma is often surgical intervention. In other words, patients are first treated with USA Phone Number List surgery, an intervention that has special surgical characteristics. In patients who are diagnosed in the early stage of the disease. No other therapy is needed except for surgical intervention. In others, the post-operative treatment continues with chemotherapy or if it is a case of advanced local disease. The treatment can begin with chemotherapy There fore after which Therefore ,the operative treatment would follow.symptoms . Diagnosis and medication treatment . We talked with the team of gynecologists and oncologists from the Clinical Hospital.