This is the list of award-winning campaigns

The White Square international advertising and marketing festival has just taken out the winners corresponding to the 2022 edition. Where 802 pieces from 18 countries have participated in eight different categories: Creative. Branding, Marketing Effectiveness, Marketing Services, Media, Digital , Craft and Mass Media.

The works were evaluated by three different juries 

Creative, Marketing & Digital and Netherlands Phone Number List Mass Media. In which marketing and advertising professionals from different markets took part . Participated in one of the juries (the one corresponding to Mass Media) . The evaluation process of the pieces was carried out in two different phases. In the first phase. The different members of the jury independently evaluated the works on the White Square online voting platform. While in the second phase the three juries took part in online sessions that took place on the 14th, 15th and 16th of December.

We list the pieces that have made their way

GREAT PRICE entry The Man Who ASB Directory Threw Away Golden Rice, agency Shanghai Tianyukong Advertising Co.,Ltd, China entry There Is No Torture In Russia. Agency Zebra Hero, Russia CREATIVE F. FILM F1 TV / Screens Silver entry Sound to see. Color to hear, agency Cheil Worldwide Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan Series of entries «The Innocent Eye. Left and Right», «The Battle», «Contact Lens«, agency Ogilvy Thailand. Thailand Short-list entry Details that matter, agency Voskhod for peace, Russia Series Everyone’s watching – entries Gangster movie. Vampire movie, Love movie, agency GForce/Grey. Kazakhstan Bronze entry Stories that surprise, agency Zebra Hero.

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