Optimize campaigns with demographic and geographic variables

Structure campaigns according to a concept per campaign… ready. You chose the ideal keywords for each campaign… ready. Assigned the ideal match type to each keyword to have better results… done. You already have a well-structured campaign. With head and tail and enough time has already passed (at least 2 weeks) generating results. It is time to optimize but. How do I do it? It is true that there are many ways to optimize campaigns with data generated by them. If they are properly measured. They can be lists of customers standing. The shopping cart or customers from the last six months. Even customers who have visited a certain page on your website and clicked on a specific button. 

Define the variable you will use

It is important that we first define what type of variable you will use to optimize your campaigns. When the reality is that C Level Executive List there can be several, the ideal is that so that you don’t get overwhelmed. If you are starting out. It should be just one. And the ideal way to choose is depending on your type of business . If it is a service, you can do it by location and if it is a product it can be by age. (NOTE: remember that you can use more than one variable to optimize, but this is a simple way to avoid control problems). Step 2. Identify the most profitable segment with your variable Once you defined your main variable, you have to identify the segment that generates the most results and generate specific campaigns from that.

Define actions

Continuing with the example. As we could see, the ranges with the best results are those of 18-24, 25-34 and Unknown. Then those that generate optimal results are those ASB Directory finally the ranges of 55 -64 and 65+ have generated very low results. With this we can optimize the budget and campaign structure . Regarding the serious structure. Copy and create the campaign that has already been created , but now each one is done for each specific age range except those 55-64 and 65+, since those are generating very low results and therefore they must be excluded. Here the difference is the distribution of the budget. Which you can assign by sending a fixed value to those with the best performance, and 20% less to those with optimal performance.

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