First we ne to create a new Mia

Video banners Learn more about the help.  campaign as you cannot add new types of creatives to existing ads to do this go to click Create campaign and select Display campaign. Video Banner New Display Ad Format Next fill in all request information campaign name website link connection counter selection strategy etc. A new format for displaying ads has appear Video Banner Image In the next step we ne to select the type of ad in the Video Banner group for this we click on the slider.

Getting start with video banners in

If you don’t toggle it a regular. Display campaign Azerbaijan WhatsApp Number List set and fill in other display criteria region keywords user profile etc. A new mia ad format appears Video Banner Image Now we create a creative through the creative constructor or add a pre-creat creative. New Display Ad Format for Video Banners Next comes the payment step. Author  Marketing Company Specialist After the user clicks on the answer option there are hours left to communicate with him. As a result chatbots gradually engage customers and deliver cases tests entertainment and ucational materials within days. Parallel to the main channel the marketers also held a webinar.

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Will be creat Next select the audience

Registering for an online session with a speaker ASB Directory simultaneously becomes a subscription to the chatbot. Afterwards the user receives a gift a greeting several segment questions information about the course and its benefits. On the day of the webinar the. Client was notifi of the start of the session. After which the impressions of the audience were collect and an offer was made to watch the trial module.

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