Digital Marketing: Channels, Tools, Choice of Strategy

Online promotion has long been firmly established in our lives. According to NAFI , at least 74% of small and medium-sized businesses use digital marketing. At the same time, 90% of them believe that online advertising is more effective than offline tools. In this article, we will look into the features of digital marketing and tell you how to choose effective promotion methods for your business.

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What is digital marketing

Digital Marketing is a set of technologies and tools that allow you to promote a company in a digital environment. A digital marketing strategy is part of a general business strategy. At the same time, promotion in digital channels can be either the only way to advertise a product or one of several.

Features of digital marketingDigital marketing is significantly different from offline promotion methods. Here are its main features:

  • Measurability. All actions in the digital environment can be counted and measured.
  • Quick response. Interaction with users is fast, because the company and the buyer are “a couple of clicks” away from each other.
  • Automation. Many actions and processes on the Internet can be automated. For example, connect chat bots or automatic email newsletters.
  • Legislative restrictions. Internet promotion is regulated by the law on advertising. For example, all paid integrations must be marked .
  • Active development of the digital sphere. New tools and trends are constantly emerging in the field of digital marketing. For example, information processing using artificial intelligence is actively developing today.

What tasks does digital marketing solve?

The main goal of digital marketing is to increase the company’s sales. Advertising goods and services in the digital environment helps to bring the client to the target action: from getting to know the product to buying it.

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Digital Marketing ToolsAll modern promotion tools in the digital environment can be divided into several groups: a website and its search engine optimization, paid advertising, mailings, promotion in social networks and mobile applications. There are also tools at the junction of online and offline. Let’s consider them in more detail.

Capture tools on the company’s website

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A company’s website is the “face” of a business to its audience. A beautiful and user-friendly website can create a certain image of the company in the eyes of users, tell about its products and encourage a person to take a target action.

You can place several special forms on the site that will simplify interaction with potential clients, help collect their contacts and applications. For example:

  • Subscription to the newsletter. The subscription form is most often implemented as a pop-up window that appears in the center or at the bottom of the site.
  • Online consultant. A window for entering questions, where you can communicate with the company manager. Its standard location is in the lower right corner of the site.

SEO: Search Engine Optimization

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a search engine optimization of a website to increase its visibility on the Internet. A well-optimized website appears on the first lines of Yandex and Google search engines for relevant queries.

For example, if a company sells smartphones, then for the query “Buy a smartphone in Moscow” it will be one of the first in the search results.

SEO includes a whole range of works, including:

  • Posting unique texts and other content with the necessary keywords on the website.
  • Special design of headings – title and description.
  • Eliminating website errors and increasing its loading speed.

Paid Internet Advertising

Paid promotion methods are available in almost all digital channels. For example, Yandex offers the following tools:

  • Contextual advertising  is paid ads that appear on the first lines of search results. For example, if you enter the query “Tours to Turkey” in Yandex, then this type of advertising will appear in the first two positions. And only after it will sites with good SEO optimization be shown.
  • Advertising in YAN. This is the display of advertisements in the Yandex advertising network. The advantage of this tool is that you can set up targeting specifically for those users who meet the requirements of the business. For example, “residents of the Moscow region who recently searched for plastic windows” or “men and women from 25 to 40 years old who are interested in the topic of cars.”

SMM: promotion in social networks

SMM or Social Media Marketing is brand promotion in social networks. Its main advantage is the ability to directly communicate and interact with the audience, instantly receive feedback on the company’s actions.

SMM includes the following areas of work:

  • Developing groups or brand accounts – filling them with useful and entertaining content.
  • Communication with users on social networks, including processing requests and feedback.
  • Attracting new audiences through advertising or free tools.
  • Selling the company’s products and services, inviting them to perform other targeted actions.


Most often, mailings are done via email, although they are also available in other channels. For example, you can send messages on social networks. Or you can team up with another company and send mailings to each other’s databases.

There are many possibilities for mailings. For a small audience, this can be done for free, for mass email mailings, it is worth connecting paid service packages in specialized services, for example:

Mobile applications

The smartphone app is another way to stay in touch what is revenue run rate? here’s everything you need to with its users. The company’s app simplifies customer service and allows you to send them personalized messages.

For example, if a customer put something in their cart but didn’t buy it, you can send them a push notification with a reminder. Or if a person passes by a store of a certain brand, the company can tell them that it is nearby using push notifications.

Tools at the intersection of online and offline

In digital marketing, there are tools that have both an online and offline component. These are, for example:

  • QR codes. They are placed on offline banners and POS materials so that people go to the website or another company resource on the Internet.
  • Interactive screens. This could be a digital advertising banner, a virtual screen in a fitting room in a store, a terminal for charging smartphones with several tablets installed, or other external equipment. Advertising on such devices is also related to digital marketing .

Types of digital marketing

In addition to special tools, digital marketing also distinguishes separate approaches to work. These are the so-called types of digital marketing – different methods of promoting a company’s products.

Content Marketing

This is the publication of useful and interesting materials for the audience in a variety of brand channels. The peculiarity of content marketing is that these materials may not be directly related to the product, but they cover issues that are important to users.

Online PR

This is active interaction with digital media. The main goal of such PR is to increase brand awareness through the publication of company news and comments in online publications. The more brand mentions online, the better for business. Especially if these are mentions in well-known channels with a good reputation.

Performance marketing

This is a promotion strategy that is focused on achieving specific results and financial indicators. The peculiarity of this approach is continuous monitoring of the effectiveness of all types of advertising.

A performance marketer typically operates according to the following scheme:

  • Sets clear goals. For example, “Increase sales conversion from the VKontakte group by 10% next month.”
  • Tests different tools. To solve the problem, he uses several types of paid promotion.
  • Assesses their effectiveness. That is, it determines the cost of the target action, for example, the cost of attracting a new customer. And then compares it with the income from a new client – it should be higher than the costs.

Influencer Marketing

Influence Marketing is working with opinion leaders ph numbers through whom you can convey information about your brand to your target audience.

The formats of work may vary, for example:

  • An influencer talks about a product on their social networks. Or shows how they use the company’s products and shares their impressions, broadcasting this content to their audience of subscribers.
  • An influencer launches a campaign or competition on behalf of a company, sometimes using unique hashtags.
Product promotion

Search engines, marketplaces, message boards and even social networks now provide the opportunity to promote individual products. For example, a specific phone or TV that your company sells.

To set up such advertising, you need to fill out a product card in the channel you have chosen, add keywords to it and, if necessary, connect paid promotion tools.

Native advertising

This is an organic and unobtrusive integration of advertising content in appropriate situations. Native advertising is perceived as a natural part of the context. Such integration causes less resistance – it is more trusted.

Video Marketing

This is the creation and distribution of video content to engage your audience. The content can be product demonstrations, training on topics important to real users, interviews with experts, and much more. The main thing is that these videos are useful and interesting to your potential customers.

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