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School gardens to combat chronic child malnutrition in Mali

October is World Food Day. If you are a mother or father, surely one of the things that worries you the child malnutrition in most and takes up part of your time is providing your children with a healthy diet. That they eat well, that they eat varied, in short, that they grow strong and healthy. But this comes at a price that not everyone can pay. And for a child to be well nourished, it is also important that he or she not get constantly sick. Something very difficult if you live in a country where poverty is present in every corner or village. When you do not have access to drinking water, or health centers for periodic check-ups, nor can you eat fresh and varied foods, being healthy is a utopia. Furthermore, we must remember that boys and girls , especially when they are babies, are the most vulnerable in contexts of poverty . The risk of death of a malnourished child is nine times higher than that of a child in a normal state.

School gardens to stop chronic malnutrition

Faced with this reality, we could not remain impassive. For this reason, at the beginning of the year, we launched a project with which we support school gardens in the three communities where we detected the problem. A constant and Malaysia WhatsApp Number Data healthy source of food for boys and girls at school, but also at home. With the orchards, we increase the production of fresh fruits and vegetables for family consumption, thus improving the diet of , people, and achieving better nutrition for almost boys and girls in the area. With simple and cheap technology, they allow families and communities to produce vegetables and various condiments at school and at home to enrich meals with trace elements, which are essential for the health of school-age children.

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Aminata tells us about her experience with the Sama-Foulala garden

At the beginning of , the NGO Educo helped us launch this new project. That contributes to feeding our children better, including us as adults. Our traditional culture that we were accustomed to meant that we grew very few vegetables in our crops. With this Indonesia Telegram Number new off-the-ground cultivation technology, which does not require the use of a lot of water. We are much better off because we produce with less effort and the results are very satisfactory. The vegetables we grow, such as tomatoes, eggplants. Okra or parsley, are very fresh and healthy for consumption and the health of our children. The NGO trained us on this new technology to cultivate the garden above ground. They gave us the materials we needed to cultivate like this. Today, thanks to the knowledge we have acquired, we are able to train. Other people in the manufacture of materials and composting techniques. We can only thank Educo Mali for this successful project. “I encourage these initiatives to multiply in other locations to fight against chronic child malnutrition.

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