Childhood and the media

In democratic societies, free access to information is consider a fundamental right. That is why the work carri out by the media and its professionals is of vital importance, because they provide information to society on matters of public interest. Precisely because of their role in disseminating information and the great reach that the media have. They have a great capacity to influence society’s perception of reality. Such is the power brought together by the major media that they are often consider the fourth power of a democracy. After the legislative, executive and judicial powers. As Lucía, 15, tells us in her article about her, the image that the media has offer us of adolescence during the pandemic has been unfair: images and stories of young people drinking bottles and carrying out irresponsible behavior in relation to COVID-19. Youth have been point out as selfish and guilty of outbreaks.

What responsibility do the media have?

The media have a great responsibility when they talk about childhood or with childhood for different reasons. When it comes to covering news that in some way involves a girl, boy or adolescent. Our treatment of the information must be carri out rigorously , ensuring at all times that the rights of children are preserv . For example, the right to privacy is violat when the identity of the Mexico Number Data affect child is reveal or when details are given about his or her place of residence, educational center. Social circle or any other information that could reveal his or her identity. Information professionals have tools to inform citizens about an event without needing. To provide details that could put the child affect or involv in that event in a vulnerable situation. – The representation of childhood and adolescence in the media has real consequences for boys, girls and adolescents . Although less and less frequently, some media fall into generalizations and simplifications. In search of the news fact, thus failing to meet the criterion of truthfulness.

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Boys and girls as primary source of information

When we talk about journalistic work, going directly to children as primary sources of information is. An option that has to be highly valu, and even advis by expert personnel in child protection. Quoting their words or giving detail Vietnam Phone Number List information about the place of residence could. Facilitate the identification of the particular boy or girl. Something that goes against the rights of children, and also calls into question the principles of the code of ethics of journalism, which call for Take extreme precautions when the information touches a child or vulnerable person for any other reason. It is also not responsible to include photos that allow the identification of boys , girls or adolescents. However, this does not mean that your voice should not be. The article written with the collaboration of Lucía is a clear example of how to safely include the perspectives of children and adolescents.

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