Disturbances in the chest area should

As a result of heart disease, it is expected that more than 13,000 people will have fatal consequences in the next 10 years.  While a high risk of developing heart disease may have people. These alarming. Disturbances in the chest area should data were discovered by family doctors after preventive checks performed in these two years among people aged 24-65. Controls which are carried out for the purpose of prevention in the health fund.  In order to detect cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus.  Revealed that there is also a great risk of kidney diseases and 2,600 people.  In whom this disease expected in the next 10 years.

Any discomfort in the chest

Any pain in the chest is an alarm for which you should carry out a check. It doesn’t matter if it’s chest tightness, heaviness, burning, pressure, shortness of breath, calcified chest pain. Burning that spreads to the neck and lower jaw, or discomfort that spreads to the inside of the left hand. Chest and stomach discomfort, these are symptoms that may be New Zealand Number Data related to heart disease. It is important to note that there is no typical symptom that indicates that you are suffering from heart disease. The manifestation of symptoms can be felt subjectively in different ways. In particular, these symptoms are important and should not be neglected if they become more intense during the attack.

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More and more high tension

He added that patients who do not have significant concerns and come for a preventive cardiological check-up, discover that they have high blood pressure. The patient is already used to it, but this is exactly why blood Latvia Phone Number List pressure is dangerous because it is not controlled and treated properly. It is precisely this high blood pressure that is dangerous for the whole organism. We also find increased values ​​of blood sugar, fat. We, as doctors, are happy to have requests from young people to carry out checks, since the occurrence of heart diseases is always and more frequent, unfortunately, even among young people.

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