5 marketing trends that could pass away in 2023

5 marketing trends that could pass away in 2023

Marketing is a discipline in eternal 5 marketing trends evolutionary effervescence that cannot afford to remain anchored in immobility . Strongly intertwined in its DNA are the changes that occur at lightning speed in the marketing industry.

Changes are our daily bread in marketing and that is why the trends that are forged there are often a flower of a day and die almost as quickly as they emerge to the surface.

Sponsored posts by celebrities on social networks

Sponsored posts by “celebrities” abound on social UAE Phone Number List networks, so much so that it is impossible not to wonder if those who carry out such advertising actions have actually tried the advertised product.

Beyond Meat’s collaboration with Kim Kardashian went viral over the last year, for example, but it did so for the wrong reasons.

After the American “socialite” released a promotional video testing Beyond Meat’s vegan products, many users accused Kim Kardashian of pretending to chew the products and therefore questioned the authenticity of the collaboration.

The ubiquity of filters on Instagram

It is enough to briefly scroll through ASB Directory Instagram to see that the aesthetics of this social network have changed substantially.

Gone are the days when photos laden with filters and perfect feeds were the norm on Instagram. Currently, both influencers and brands as well as ordinary. Users are turning towards an aesthetic where editing is reduced to a minimum.

Many users are tired of the self-righteous and unrealistic aesthetic. That has predominated in recent years on Instagram. Generation Z in particular especially values ​​authenticity. Therefore avoids the plague of excessively edited photos and videos, which are precisely the norm on TikTok. The favorite social network of centennials.

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