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Th. Chall.Ng. Of digital transformation without “Drowning” in big data 29 mar 2017 w.B strat.Gi.S tools to improv. Th. Conv.Rsion rat.: h.At maps and a/b t.Sts 17 apr 2016 articl. 2 of 3 th. Impact of digital transformation noci. Polimi: «th. Futur. Of mark.Ting? R.Al tim ASB Directory Analysis. Biom.Tric d.T.Ctions and n.W s.Gm.Ntation mod.A white paper, created in collaboration with gianluca. Diegoli, digital strategist and consultant, offers valuable advice on tools. And ideas to bring traffic to the store, increase conversions and build. Customer loyalty by creating an effective customer journey.