The specific interactions Google showed

And emails. This article introduces seven documents that describe Google’s search ranking factors. table of contents 1.Life of Click (User Interaction) 2.Ranking 3. Ranking for research 4.The magic of Google 5. Log and ranking 6. Mobile ranking and desktop ranking 7. Reference: Google presentation: Q4 Search All Hands (Dec. 8, 2016) So when you hear Google claim that links aren’t a top three ranking factor , it’s easy to understand why. Of course, this is not to say that links are unimportant and user data is the whole reason. Machine learning and natural language processing are other important elements. Page Content Hyperlink Analysis, and Usage Data

In this slide titled User Interaction Signals

Google explains the relationship between queries, interactions, and search results, with a specific example of a search result for “Why is seawater salty?” .  are below. reading number of clicks Indonesia Telegram Number Data Number of scrolls mouseover In September, Lehman testified in an antitrust trial that Google uses clicks for rankings.Google has publicly stated that it uses clicks for training, evaluation, testing, personalization, and more. The edited parts of this document are as follows. Slide titled “Indicators”. Only one line, “Components of Web Ranking”, can be seen. Seven additional slides, including slides titled “Outline” and “Summary.

A billion times a day people ask us to find

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The funny thing is, we don’t actually understand the documentation.  Whatwe’re looking at is people. We consider a document to be a good document if there are positive reactions to it. If the reaction is negative, the document is probably a bad document. To oversimplify it, this is the secret behind India Telegram Number Google’s “magic. In this slide, Google explains: “Each user benefits from the reactions of past users and creates reactions that will benefit future users.” Search continues to function through guidance. This has important implications.Documents related to their queries.

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