The best place is the left side on the first page

This is where users pay most attention. Don’t overdo it. Everything needs a balance. Don’t turn an information resource into a site with sweden phone number library nothing but advertising. Use different Yandex Direct advertising formats . The YAN constructor allows you to create advertising blocks of various sizes and designs, which you can play with and choose the ones that fit best into your site. Don’t forget about mobile traffic .

Mobile internet advertising is an important

Aspect in getting high income. Since most pain point #2: clinical trial management and medical research users browse websites from gadgets, don’t forget to properly optimize the page for all users. Analyze page metrics. AdButton specialists recommend focusing on 2 key performance indicators of a website — CPMV and visibility percentage. The first parameter displays the cost of a thousand impressions of an ad unit. And the second, as the name suggests, shows how many visitors to your website saw the ad unit .

A good result for this indicator

Would be 50-60 percent. In addition, there lack data is also an excellent analytical tool, Yandex Metrica. Conclusion To work in YAN, a competent approach and focus on results are important. Only by combining different methods of customer retention , experimenting with design and selecting optimal settings, you will be able to achieve an acceptable passive income from contextual advertising.Contextual advertising – images or banners shown to visitors of a resource and targeted at these visitors thanks to information about their search queries and other.


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