And advertising is the engine of progress. A hackneyed wit never gets old. Intimate secrets of stars and infectious diseases, weddings and vietnam phone number library divorces, showdowns in expensive restaurants and cheap toilets are again and again brought out in the headlines of the media. Whether we want it or not, but the spreading cranberry with a yellow scandalous smell invariably brings profit. And if you can’t brush this format aside, you need to learn to use it to the fullest. Shock content – why is it needed? Offensive, frightening, gag-inducing images or texts are nothing more than a form of marketing.
There are studies that show
Shocking content sticks in the memory tips for effective telemarketing from the first second. Moreover, the desire of the person to whom it is addressed is not required at all. It works like this: the signaling system automatically reacts to something that strikes the imagination, be it a bloody face or a naked female breast. Screaming headlines are hammered into the consciousness by the same principle. And they are the ones that are absorbed deeply and very quickly. The answer to the sacramental question is obvious.
By means of such presentation
It is possible to influence consumer vietnam news latter behavior. Shocking information gets into the news feed or recommendations along with regular ads. However, it does not last very long – it is regularly and with enviable persistence deleted. Therefore, its task is to imprint something important in the memory of potential buyers or recipients of services. The main thing is to hook the potential client Shock content often (almost always) causes indignation. But it is attractive in its own way – in the truest sense of the word.