Privacy Guarantor This mode is designed for when you are working on a list with a high contactability yield with more than five operators. In this way, you can organize the work with the right timing according to your own working method.
If telemarketing lists do not have a good contact rate, there indonesia phone number library are many non-existent, incorrect, busy numbers or if you work mainly with cold calls, this is the recommended option.
A very fast call flow is generated. If you have a large effective telemarketing: how to persuade customers. number of operators ready to answer the calls routed or if you work services or products that your team knows well, this is the best mode.
More curiosities about Predictive
There are other features of the predictive. Privacy Guarantor Dialer system that are very useful for those who work in call centers. Because they optimize their work even more. Such as being able to automatically discard from the database all those numbers that are already busy and selecting. Instead, only those that are available or that could answer. In this way the operator receives only calls that could have a positive outcome. This not only saves time but is an important resource. For the company because it is possible to reach customers potentially interested in the products or services.
The predictive dialer also allows you to optimize email leads database your time because it allows. You to select and exclude the percentage of excess calls not to pass to operators. If, for example, there are 20 operators available. And the percentage is 100%, only 40 calls in total will be selected.
In this way, operators can really provide the requested assistance or sell products with higher probability.
The rules to follow and Privacy
Predictive has been put under scrutiny by the : according to the privacy law. There is a limit to the number of calls that the same user can receive during the day from the same call center number. Since the Predictive system automatically calls even when the operator is already busy and keeps you on hold, it can happen in some cases that the same customer receives two consecutive calls and therefore without respecting the rule of letting 5 days pass between one call and the other. This is why when using the Predictive Dialer you should always rely on professional programmers .