Predictive Dialer Call Center: What It Is and How It Works

The  predictive dialer  is a valid tool now used by many. Call centers and contact centers that guarantees growth in their business and allows. Them to speed up the work of operators. It allows savings especially in terms of money and time. But let’s take a closer look at what it is. How it works and why it is increasingly essential to have it.

What is Predictive Dialer?

The predictive dialer is an automatic system that allows india phone number library you to cal. Through a database of telephone contacts, only numbers. That can have a positive response or are not already busy. Absent or non-existent. It therefore speeds up the work of operators because. It puts them in contact only with those who can actually answer. Thanks to the use of some algorithms that recognize the available numbers. The call is activated automatically. So that operators do not have to dial the number or waste time looking for it.

The algorithm within the system improves the operator’s. Overall helpful tips for getting a call center mandate productivity by increasing the number of calls made.

How Predictive Works

With Predictive you work on multiple fronts, taking into account only the operators present and available, and you avoid calling just one number at a time. The calls are made one after the other: thanks to the contact database, the system calls and puts on hold so that the operator can answer once the previous call has ended, without losing precious minutes or seconds to dial the phone number. Only those who answer the phone will be transferred directly to the operator who can make the calls in sequence.

crm4’s Predictive Dialer  allows  you to adapt the predictive to your working method.  There are four Predictive modes , that is, four speeds that you can choose to adopt to improve the performance of your sales calls:

Through the Progressive mode you can make email leads database one call at a time for each available operator, an effective alternative to manual calling or click-to-call. Ideal for situations with few contacts to manage, lead generation activities or for operators who require preliminary preparation in the conversation.


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