But on this path, the authors of shocking videos encountered colossal failures. Here is a picture of three children of different races showing uruguay phone number library the tongue of the same color, it was clearly read – “you and I are of the same blood.” However, in Arab countries the image was banned, it was declared pornographic due to the ban on showing internal organs. The scandal that broke out nevertheless did its job: the recognition of United Colors of Benetton increased.
Another shocking content brought
The same company losses of 15 million helpful tips for getting a call center mandate dollars and the closure of 200 brand stores in America in 2000. Benetton launched a campaign of photos of people sentenced to death. Advertising of despair that offends the mind The public was offended by such cynicism. How can one not recall the saying of Jerry Della Femina, creative director of the agency Della Femina McNamee, who believes that shock content is “advertising of despair that offends the mind.” The table shows the strengths and weaknesses of provocative sales materials.
Pros Cons Guaranteed to attract
Attention Brand image losses Memorability fresh list Insulting citizens’ feelings High click-through rate (CTR) Traumatizing the psyche of random visitors The probability of spreading over the network (sometimes it becomes viral) Possibility of getting banned by the site administration and, accordingly, reducing traffic. Popularity in the media Frequent refusals to place Discussion Formation of negative emotions.
Awakening aggression
Undermining moral standards At the same time, any “bold tricks” work only with famous manufacturers. A novice businessman will lose more than he will gain.