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In mainland France, 70% of mac excel 2016 data analysis construction professionals. Use a smartphone every day in their work environment, 59% a computer .   In Réunion, even 79% of artisans have a connected smartphone. According to a recent study by the Observatory of the Craft Economy (September 2017). Major obstacles still exist In Réunion, many obstacles still exist. As mac excel 2016 data analysis in other sectors. Awareness among entrepreneurs is low and they do not see digitalization as an opportunity. Not enough time Limited financial capacity Lack of reality. “My sector is specific and my clients / potential clients are not on the internet”. While 80% of consumers learn online before buying (source IFOP), and in B2B this figure is 89%. (source Forrester) Lack of digital skills A certain skepticism and a clear mistrust of digital tools and their security. The main obstacle for SMEs: time In mainland France, lack of time seems to be the first obstacle.

Compared with the high cost and lack of knowledge


In Reunion, there are no real comparable statistics, but according qatar phone number to a study by FRBTP and Constructys, the presence of a website is closely related to the size of the company. Unlike companies with more than 50 employees. Only 27% of artisans with a website have a Facebook page. More than 500,000 inhabitants of Reunion are connected to Facebook and 90,000 LinkedIn profiles. But only 10% of artisans communicate through social networks! (Source FRBTP and Constructys). Although not much, according to the same study 25% of respondents are currently considering developing this medium mac excel 2016 data analysis of communication. As is often the case, the changes in use are faster than the transformation of the business: potential customers and prospects mainly look for information on the web. 80% look for artisans on the Internet This statistic revealed by the Journal du Net should in itself indicate that artisans are interested in starting the digitalization of their business, or at least through an effective online presence.

Digital technology is not only related to the “marketing” and “communication” of craftsmen


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In connection with the Internet of Things (IOT) and Big Data, BIM also ASB Directory opens the way for a wide range of innovative services. But craftsmen have been slow to choose the right software solutions for their digital modeling needs. “We must accelerate the adoption of digital models and BIM by all construction stakeholders, including mac excel 2016 data analysis VSEs and SMEs” Bertrand Delcambre, Chairman of the Digital Transformation Program for Buildings (PTNB), stated in December 2016, regarding the role of PNTB in the development of BIM for craftsmen. In fact, one in two companies with less than 20 employees do not yet know what BIM is (source FRBTP and Constructys). Therefore, we still need to work hard to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalization as a whole.

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