Linkedin’s complete guide to developing new customers (new and practical!)

Since Hunter, the client development tool, was removed by Linkedin, many foreign trade friends are confused.
Hey, how to do it on Linkedin?
Do we have to succumb to the power of Linkedin and pay for it? But the price is really expensive…
Haha, don’t worry, Huanxin will teach you ten practical and free tips for client development!!

Contents hidden Linkedin’s complete guide
1. Preparation Linkedin’s complete guide
2. Summary of LinkedIn’s customer development methods!
Several great tips for developing customers on LinkedIn!!!
1. Preparation

(It is absolutely not to be underestimated!!!! So I wrote it in great detail!!!)

1. It is recommended that you use the web version of Linkedin to develop customers, and the interface language should be switched to English! !
The English page of Linkedin has more functions than the Chinese page. For example, you can write articles in the English interface, but you cannot in the Chinese interface; and the functions on the Linkedin APP are not as many as those on the web version.

2. In addition, everyone must understand that LinkedIn is a social platform for professionals, so mutual acquaintance, understanding and trust. Linkedin’s complete guide between people are extremely important! !
Your LinkedIn profile is like your resume, and it is the best channel for others to understand and trust you.
Therefore, the first step in developing customers on LinkedIn is to start by improving your profile!

What can a high-quality profile bring you?

1. Improve your friend acceptance rate and even encourage potential customers to actively add you as a friend. A complete profile makes it easy for customers to fully understand you, your company and your products, and to have a sense of trust.
2. Improve the number and quality of your friends. If your profile is well-developed, click “My Network” and LinkedIn will recommend you “People you may know” that will be more accurate!

Things to note when improving your profile:

1. There are quality requirements for improving your profile: LinkedIn supports profile pages for search engines to index.
Therefore, you can use your profile to promote your website: be sure to accurately and completely fill in the website URL in the modules such as My Company and My Website!
In addition, your profile should highlight the core of your company’s business. Find a keyword that can represent your product or service, and find a way to perfectly and naturally embed this keyword in the profile. The embedding should be reasonable and logical, and don’t blindly lay out the foundation to cause reading difficulties!

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(For example: Headline (title) in the profile

In order to embed keywords, I suggest that you don’t just write the title, you can try “title + company name”, because Linkedln’s search ranking will capture this information, so the appearance of keywords is very important!
If I am a Marketing seo kpi analysis: what to monitor and why Manager, and my company is engaged in textile testing machines, and the company name is TESTEX Equipment Ltd, then my Headline can be written as Marketing Manager – TESTEX Textile Testing Equipment Ltd.)

2. For newcomers in the workplace, when completing the information, you must learn to refer to and fabricate appropriately! Job titles, work experience, etc. should be as rich and detailed as possible, so that others will trust you and be willing to contact you.
For example, if you are an ordinary foreign trade salesperson, you can write as a foreign trade supervisor. I believe that customers will prefer to deal with experienced supervisors!
This is just like when we go to a mobile phone store to buy a mobile phone, an ordinary salesperson or a store manager, who would you rather ask to explain the performance of the mobile phone to you? The store manager, right? The store manager should be more professional and know more, our subconscious is like this.

3. Set your personal information to “all public

If you want customers to contact you actively, don’t forget this.

Detailed steps:
Follow the steps indicated by the arrow in the figure below, click “view my profile”: Enter your profile interface: 1) Click the red circle to enter the Edit intro interface: Edit your personal profile, including: ① Background image: You marketing list can set it to a company or featured product image to let customers know what you do and attract their attention. ② Headshot: LinkedIn is essentially a social network for professionals, so it is recommended to use your own workplace photo! ! Above the shoulders, with high clarity. (It is not recommended to use a product headshot!

Reason: If you use a product as a headshot Linkedin’s complete guide

It is too likely to promote the product, and others will easily reject your friend request; moreover, if you use the image of a product to promote yourself, it will seem cold, and it will be difficult for others to be interested in you and trust you.) ③ Fill in basic information such as name, job title (Headline), education background, address, industry, etc. ④ Summary: It should include: personal profile (summary of your abilities) + company profile; you can refer to the summary of the masters in related fields on LinkedIn; keywords should be embedded! ⑤ There is a Media below, link to media, where you can add photos, website links, and videos of our company or products.

This helps customers fully understand Linkedin’s complete guide

What products you make and how strong your company is. 2) After completing Edit intro, click Save to return to the profile interface. Scroll down and you will need to continue to complete the following: ① Experience: Write as many as possible, at least three work experiences. You can learn from them and make up a little. (Even if we are new, we should strive to create the image of a master. No one will check your authenticity, but customers will come to us…) The most recent one is your current company; the other ones can be written all over the world.

Try to write about companies of the same type so Linkedin’s complete guide

That customers know that you have been working for many years and have great experience! Note: (a) Be sure to write more in the description! Not writing a description will inevitably lack persuasiveness; in addition, writing more will give you a chance to let the keywords appear more naturally! You can write about your work tasks, what you are mainly responsible for, and what abilities you have improved… (b) Don’t have conflicts in time! After all, it is embarrassing to contradict yourself… ② Education: If there is something missing, you can make it up appropriately! For example, if your company exports textile testing equipment.

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