It must be related to the image

The advertiser manipulates people by playing on universal human curiosity. “Family buys house and finds horror inside. Family buys house ukraine phone number library and finds horror inside The fourth way The medical topic is always popular. People are constantly looking for prescriptions, addresses of doctors and clinics on the Internet. Insider medical information should not contain scares or put stories about serious illnesses in the headline.

This will definitely not be approved

The point is in the promise. “Dermatologists people think that talking on the phone is a natural action are shocked. A woman from Kyiv “erased” expression wrinkles with this product.” “Pharmacists panicked. The fifth way The method of convincing realism. A conscious rejection of the usual catchy “hook”. The creators say: “We will not promise you instant results.” Taught by brazen rosy forecasts and guarantees of getting everything at once, the consumer will involuntarily become interested – what is so ordinary there? That is, the ordinary becomes unusual.

A kind of shock in reverse

The article that opens after clicking may frist database offer only a set of exercises for home gymnastics. “If you are expecting a miracle cure for all diseases, pass by. We are realists and want to offer…” “Still waiting for the good wizard? He won’t come, we’ll come and tell you. Quite often, material of this kind turns out to be effective and brings the desired result.


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