Interview: Milan Doubek from Dactyl Group about mobile applications and their development

Six years ago, we started with four. We currently have around 25 people in the company. We have the most PHP, Android and iOS developers, but we also have two in-house graphic designers and one tester and sysadmin.

Who is a typical client for you and what does a typical application look like?
That’s hard. There is probably no such thing as a typical client. We have clients from almost every field you can think of. They are mostly medium-sized companies or start-ups. But they are all united by a common need. They want to move on and use a mobile or web app for this. For example, we will develop a system for managing processes in the company, which will be automated and simplified. Or we prepare an e-commerce platform for the client to sell more goods or we often create client portals. Like how you have your customer center.

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Mobile applications, on the other hand, allow customers to speed up or simplify an activity.

You worked in America as an ordinary employee, but also as a manager. What do you see as the main differences in the approach of managers to employees in the Czech Republic and the USA?

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So it’s going to be some kind of vitrual card?
Clearly. Virtual card. It is intended to serve as a ticket, tickets to monuments and the like. Just like in London, Rome or Berlin.


Dactyl team before the Brno half marathon 2017

What is the difference in manufacturing complexity between a mobile and a web application?
That’s a good question because the difference is really crucial there. A web application is simply still a web page. The user must be connected to the Internet to use it. There are various tools and frameworks such as progressive apps . There it is possible to make the web app work offline, but there is still a connection needed to load the app for the first time.

For native mobile apps, it is possible to install the package and use the app without having to be online. We all know that the Czech Republic is not the best with mobile connections. The development of a mobile application should therefore be considered if the client needs to develop a tool that the user will always have at hand even when he is not online. Furthermore, if someone wants a mobile application, a smaller display area without the possibility of using a mouse will have to be sufficient for viewing and working with data.

If you need to develop a robust tool that will work flawlessly, reliably and smoothly on Android and iOS, communicate with other sensors, other devices and be ready to work in offline mode, the challenge will be many times greater than if I made a similar tool as a website.

In other words, mobile applications are much more demanding to develop than the web, but they bring a number of advantages that are often worth paying extra for.

How do you do testing?

In our proprietary DactylCMS system, on which we build web projects, we cover critical functionalities with automated tests. We also add tests according to a specific project and client. After the completion of the development, of course, there is still a phase of manual testing, when the application is taken over by a dedicated person who is in charge of checking the entire project. We test both the functionality according to the specification and the graphical interface, which must correspond to the original design.

What does the process of a typical order look like in detail from the idea to the first download from the app store?
We have written the mobile app development process in more detail on our new website, so I recommend you take a look there. Otherwise, it’s for a longer conversation.

What do you use for prototyping?

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We experiment a lot here and change these tools often. We used InVision for a long time , but then we switched to Zepin because it offers better features to developers. We are now experimenting with Figma . This is both a web and graphics editor. In addition, there is an excellent interface for presentation to the client.

Are there any writing specifics for Android and iOS? What do you prefer to write for?
You could say that Android and iOS mobile app development itself is similar in many ways. It is develop in a different programming language and IDE for iel fari okulfrapan momercan afiŝon each platform. A specific feature of Android that complicates our lives a lot is the diversity of  mobile devices and versions of the system. iOS is much better in this regard. In iOS, however, Apple itself complicates our lives with its approach to the approval of applications on the App Store and by limiting the possibilities of using the functions of the operating system.

That’s what I thought. Could you please tell me more agent email list  about the ins and outs of publishing an app to stories?

It can all be summ up very briefly:

Access to the platform. Everyone knows that Android is an open system and iOS is a closed system. If you want to put applications on Google Play, you just need to pay 500 CZK once and you can publish as you want. Google has automatic control over its app store, and it will check your app from the point of view of their policies, etc. and that’s it.

In contrast, at Apple, employees review applications manually. Normally they install it and click through it. If this is not possible for some serious reason, you have to make a video where you click through the entire application. Another problem is with applications where there is some monetization. It’s just that if there’s money somewhere, Apple wants to take a piece of the apple pie too. They then force you to implement Apple pay.



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