Valeria is 22 years old and is a student studying Environmental Health at the University of El Salvador. He lives in the municipality of San Salvador and participates in the Meeting House for Children, Adolescents and Youth. A project that we carry out with the Intersectoral Association for Economic Development and Social Progress CIDEP and the support of Barcelona. City Council and that Its objective is to offer a space free of violence where young people and adolescents. Can display their artistic and cultural capacity and learn to transform conflicts based. Among others, on mediation and non-violent communication. Given this reality, it is essential to offer young people and adolescents contexts that favor their development in environments free of violence and to work on their capacity.
Spaces for participation
Professional, artistic and cultural training, library service and language courses, graphic design, robotics and leadership. This and much more is La Casa, an innovative and successful initiative that emerged in response to Denmark Number Data the demands of the adolescent and young population of San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador. Valeria tells us what it means for her to be able to enjoy this space: “The House changed me as a human being. I have grown and worked to change the lives of many more young people and it has allowed me to begin to leave my mark in this beautiful country. More and more boys and girls are impacted by the barbarity of daily violence as a way of life, as a way of facing differences, as a way of gaining power and social recognition.
When I was 15
I remember being part of a group of young people and adolescents. But we became unmotivated and stopped working. I got angry and said I was never going to belong to an again because it’s a waste of time. But in the end life takes so many turns and, in one of those turns. I discovered the. Municipal Youth Institute and France Phone Number List the La Casa project. It is such a great and beautiful project that has allowed me to train as a leader and. Also become general coordinator of the which represents. All the youth of the municipality. From here we promote initiatives that benefit this sector of the. Salvadoran population that has been stigmatized and in some municipalities even made invisible.