Given the delay in the process the father’s representation

Appeals to the interest of the minors and that of the parent himself. Who cannot see his children regularly. The social workers have more than judicial procedures on the table on. Which to issue a report and, as observed in the last document presented by the lawyer to the court. The delay is going to be sine die and the report on the procedure of custody that is more favorable to the interests of minors. The situation appears certainly dramatic. Where only the infinite patience of the parent seems to be appealed to.

For this reason he begs

The court for a new independent expert to issue a report. On the minors and the best custody regime. A trial scheduled for Another case that is. Bleeding” is the one that the Sevillian lawyer Jesús Domínguez Gómez has denounced. After a relatively quick investigation, the trial has been Whatsapp Number List scheduled for February . This is a criminal hearing. Given the delay in an order in which the legal assets at stake are especially important and have been seriously affected. This means he has counted  more than three years to resolve a case in the first instance.

To this we must add the delay in possible

Subsequent appeals. It is a process that lasts over time with psychological. Consequences for the defendant that can be important. Has been practicing for years and has never reached this situation. We are reaching a point of no ASB Directory return  which. Given the delay in has been assumed. By the lawyers. We are helpless. I hope the public powers understand once and for all the imperative need to provide. Justice with sufficient means material and human for the good of our society this lawyer concludes.

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