COVINDEX: Technological community projects to combat COVID-19

As we have been showing, COVID-19 has led to the emergence of several technological platforms for the most diverse scenarios. There are platforms for ordering visors, for finding out who is infected in the area, for self-diagnosis, for medical monitoring, etc., etc.

With so many platforms, it is starting to become difficult to know them all. To make this management easier, a website was created that groups together information about all the projects.

COVINDEX: Technological community projects to combat COVID-19

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of people have found ways to be close to one another. Across the world, countless gestures of care for one another have multiplied in recent days, some in an organized way, others spontaneous.

In this directory you will be able to find:

COVID19 mitigation related projects with form Wuhan Mobile Number List al team and organization
Social groups and support resources created to facilitate staying at home, as well as support for agents in the field
Official information from the Ministry of Health, the Government and other official entities
Ideas that are still waiting for a great team to implement them


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COVINDEX: Technological community projects to combat COVID-19

The COVINDEX.PT website is a non-pro ASB Directory fit project that consists of a directory of Portuguese projects related to COVID-19. With the creation of this directory, those responsible say that they intend to organize, focus efforts, open doors to synergies, reduce duplicate work and enhance the sharing of information, datasets, relevant contacts, among others.

COVINDEX: Technological community projects to combat COVID-19

The aim is also to enhance talent pools, whether already formed or in the process of being formed, through their dissemination, as well as strengthening relationships between these and project managers so that together we can make the best use of the available resources.

COVINDEX: Technological community projects to combat COVID-19

By browsing this platform, you will notice that there are already several projects/platforms to help in the fight against COVID-19. The Portuguese show, once again, that they are available to help and, in addition, demonstrate the quality of development. Anyone who wants to add projects just needs to fill out the form.


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