Country code for Senegal


The phone code 079 belongs to Senegal. It is the country calling code used when dialing a phone number in Senegal from another country. Here’s a breakdown: Country: Senegal Region: West Africa Format for dialing from abroad: +221 + phone number (where +221 is the country code for Senegal and the phone number is the local phone number within Senegal) Here are some additional details you might find helpful: Local phone number format: Senegalese phone numbers typically consist of 7 digits. Mobile phone prefixes: Some mobile phone operators in Senegal have specific prefixes assigned to their numbers. These prefixes can help identify the mobile network provider of a phone number. If you need to find the specific area code within Senegal for a particular phone numbe

Here are some common ones

Understanding Senegal’s National Numbering Plan (NNP):** Senegal, like Saudi Arabia WhatsApp Number most countries,

has a National Numbering Plan (NNP) that regulates phone numbers and their allocation. Introduced in 2016, the NNP defines: * **Country Code (CC):** +221 (assigned by the International Telecommunication Union) * **National Destination Code (NDC):** First digits following the country code, identifying a specific geographic area or service type. **079 as a Mobile Network Prefix:** While 079 isn’t a country code on its own, it functions as a mobile network prefix within Senegal. Here’s how phone numbers using 079 are structured: “` +221 (CC) – 7 (NDC) – XXXX (Subscriber Number)

National Destination Code indicating

 Mobile phone service –  Subscriber Number (unique for each user) **Identifying ASB Directory Mobile Network Operators:** Several mobile network operators (MNOs) operate in Senegal.  with prefixes that might include 079: * **Orange Senegal:** Prefix range might include 079 (not exclusive) * **Free Senegal (Tigo):** Prefix range might include 079 (not exclusive) * **Expresso Senegal:** Prefix range might include 079 (not exclusive) **To definitively identify the MNO, you can:** * Check online resources that list Senegalese phone number prefixes. * Contact the phone number’s owner and inquire about their service provider. **Beyond Mobile Prefixes:** The Senegalese NNP also defines other NDCs: * **Fixed-line prefixes:** Starting with 3 (e.g., 33 for Dakar) 

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