Classification can be done manually or easier

Classification can be done manually or easier using automation systems for example open refine. In the future you will use queries divid into groups to form a hierarchy from subcategories to filters. Completing data driven development it is important to take into account the experience of competitors and make sure that the data is collect and classifi correctly. For example your online store will sell pots and pans. They can be combin into one group or divid into two which depends on the language of promotion and the specifics of each word.

Adding deeper levels pages

Let’s look at an example in english a saucepan is “pots” which can mean both dishes and a garden or chamber pot. The search engine will not be able to determine the accuracy of the query which will worsen the rankings. To summarize if there mobile app designs service are words that have ambiguous meaning it is better to combine categories to optimize targeting. That have a top level are divid into several categories separate ones that do not ne deep levels are contacts price lists etc.

Bas on the nature of the page

Categories blogs vacancies sections with useful information in knowlge base format etc. Multi level hubs with subtopics. For example you have an ASB Directory article about marketing that links to additional sections with research expert opinions and other useful information. You can determine the ne for deeper levels and also use your experience in the niche visitor requirements and previous keyword research.

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