Check what your current talent is and what you want it to be

You cannot decide your motivations and professional interests in the abstract, knowing yourself requires experiences. Do not study what you have no talent for because a piece of wood. In water for years does not transform into a fish. This controversial reflection by @ alejodorowsky can also be seen from. The point of view of the employer or the labor market. You can teach a turkey to climb but it is better to hire a squirrel. This advice was received by the character played by. Tom Cruise in the movie Top Gun (1986). Which was dubbed as your ambition is greater than your talent. Son, your ego is writing checks your body can’t cash.


Ago signs checks

That your body cannot pay. Sometimes we are afraid to approach possible projects, but other times we are a little over the top. Also, as @antonello mentions , you have to try to Crypto Email List work on what you add value, not just what you like. Vocation is not only expected, vocation can also be built. I usually invoke this idea against this professional determinism of the turkey-piece-of-wood image. But it is true that we must give ourselves a margin to decide.

How much we should insist on developing skills that “we are bad at” or with which we will find it very difficult. Compete, as far as employability is concerned. Of course, it is legitimate to set difficult professional challenges. But it also seems that too many people fool themselves by trying to show and develop. Qualities that they do not have or that would require a lot of investment in time, effort and resources.

It is true that many things

Are achieved with patience and investment, but we have to assess whether there are professional alternatives with a better satisfaction-effort ratio. Don’t leave your comfort zone, make it bigger . A strategy to go far consists of relying on already established positions. A constant attitude of improvement ASB Directory allows us to live in an active and committed way, but considering very difficult challenges can generate a frustrating lifestyle. It may be reasonable to make initial plans based on the knowledge of what we like and what we are good at doing now and continue from there. You can go further by continuing on the path you are already traveling with some satisfaction than by pursuing idealized goals that you are supposed to achieve.

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