It is often said repeatly and everywhere – we do not know who or who releas this belief – that we only use five percent of our brain. Others indicate ten percent. But in both cases it is only a belief or a metaphor. We will explain: the human brain, or to speak more properly, the encephalon (which etymologically means “inside the head”) or the brain mass (which is divid into the cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem) is always 100% activat. cent . That is, there is no virgin zone or zone “yet to be activat”.
Part of That Path
There is no “new” or “off” part waiting to start work. The entire brain is active, whether during the most everyday actions, such as eating, walking, showering, even sleeping, as well as in those activities b2b leads of greater stimulation, such as reading, playing music, writing a poem, drawing or doing mental calculations. Scanners – devices that, through ultrasound, magnetic resonance, ionizing radiation or x-rays, provide an image of organs or internal parts of the body (RAE) – indicate that the brain is always active. In other words, there is not 95% or 90% of “new” brain tissue.
Back to the Noble Part
Suddenly, the idea that we use a minimum amount of our brain is more of a metaphor, a comparison, an allegory, an easy and fun way to tell something. Like the allegory that Plato tells us in his Republic, that of the myth of the cave, or that other one told by the philosopher Albert Camus in his myth of Sisyphus. And this ASB Directory metaphor of little brain use would therefore be something very common in a large part of the human species, especially in this post-modern, easy-going, immiate and techno-dependent society: that we do not tend to persevere most of the time, we do not put “the foot on the accelerator”, we are content with the minimum effort, when we do not choose to leave things half done, not neat.